The fun is that the battlefield (the zones to control) often applies effects. To the right and in yellow, we find the power of the card, which will be the determining factor to win or fall defeated by the opponent's card. The zones are unlocked progressively, and the energy meter increases if we decide to pass the turn without spending the current amount. To the left and in blue is the energy, so we can only use them if our energy meter is equal to or higher than their value. If we look, all the cards have two numerical values. The games consist -almost always- of 6 turns, that's why they are so fast. The operation is very simple: the center of the screen is the battlefield (3 zones) and both we and our rival must try to take control of it. With more than 150 cards available -the number will increase as time goes by- and fifty known locations from the Marvel universe, here heroes and villains are not always enemies we can join them in our deck and combine their abilities to achieve victory. There are two key elements that have helped the game to be a success: the simplicity of learning to play and the fact that the games have an approximate duration of 3 minutes, which makes it an ideal game for short sessions.