
Pip how to install curl in docker
Pip how to install curl in docker

pip how to install curl in docker

pyenv / versions / $ PYTHON_VERSION / bin / pip install robotframework-imaplibrary = 0.3.0 robotframework-requests robotframework-sudslibrary beautifulsoup4 pyenv / versions / $ PYTHON_VERSION / bin / pip install robotframework robotframework-selenium2library selenium = 2.53.6 robotframework-xvfb robotframework-extendedselenium2library & \ pyenv / versions / $ PYTHON_VERSION / bin / pip install requests & \ pyenv / versions / $ PYTHON_VERSION / bin / pip install - upgrade pip & \ # These pip modules are used with older firefox # Set the default python version you want to use # Install python versions you want under here RUN git clone https : // / yyuu / pyenv-virtualenv.git $ HOME /. pyenv / plugins / pyenv-virtualenvwrapper RUN git clone https : // / yyuu / pyenv-virtualenvwrapper.git $ HOME /. RUN git clone https : // / yyuu / pyenv.git $ HOME /. RUN sudo apt - get install - y git python - pip make build - essential libssl - dev zlib1g - dev libbz2 - dev libreadline - dev libsqlite3 - dev curl python - tk tk - dev jar / usr / local / bin / selenium - server - standalone - 3. RUN sudo ln - s / usr / local / share / selenium - server - standalone - 3. RUN sudo chmod + x / usr / local / share / selenium - server - standalone - 3. RUN sudo mv - f ~ / selenium-server-standalone-3. RUN sudo wget - N http : // / 3.0 / selenium-server-standalone-3. Do I Need Selenium-server if I have installed selenium to Ubuntu?!!!

pip how to install curl in docker

RUN sudo ln - s / usr / local / share / chromedriver / usr / local / bin / chromedriver RUN sudo chmod + x / usr / local / share / chromedriver RUN sudo mv - f ~ / chromedriver / usr / local / share / RUN unzip ~ / chromedriver_linu圆4.zip - d ~ / RUN wget - N http : // / 2.27 / chromedriver_linu圆4.zip - P ~ / RUN sudo apt - get install - y google - chrome - stable RUN sudo sh - c 'echo "deb stable main" > /etc/apt//google-chrome.list' RUN wget - q - O - https : // / linux / linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add. RUN sudo apt - get install - y openjdk - 7 - jre - headless xvfb libxi6 libgconf - 2 - 4 unzip # Geckodriver: Download, unarchive and move to PATH # RUN sudo dpkg -i firefox-mozilla-build_ubuntu1_b # RUN sudo wget -O firefox-mozilla-build_ubuntu1_b ' ' # Install new version of firefox with geckodriver RUN sudo dpkg - i firefox - mozilla - build_46. RUN sudo wget - O firefox - mozilla - build_46. Git python - pip make build - essential libssl - dev zlib1g - dev libbz2 - dev libreadline - dev libsqlite3 - dev curl \ Sudo apt - get install - y wget libgtk - 3 - 0 libasound2 libdbus - glib - 1 - 2 \ RUN sudo apt - get update - fix - missing & \ # Install old version of firefox + dependencies

pip how to install curl in docker

RUN echo '%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' > / etc / sudoers RUN adduser - disabled - password - gecos '' user

Pip how to install curl in docker